Where collies are family first.

We have a Litter! Satin and Slade had 8 puppies Nov 18, 2024

Kaymann Collies started officially in 2014 with Jason and Kayla McMann. Kayla grew up in the collie world and was a very competitive junior handler in Canada. When she met her now husband Jason he too was a part of the show world to a degree he attended shows with his aunt who bred Boxers and American Cockers. They knew right away that they didn’t want to leave the show world and all the knowledge of breeding collies behind when they got married. Now flash forward 10 years they have attended several nationals and have had collies that did very well; added two children (Gavin and Zorah) who are actively showing in peewee juniors. Life with 2 kids is busy, but they stand behind their motto family first collies. Their collies are raised in the home with the family, each dog is a house dog and our numbers are low; with low numbers means the dogs that stay have a very strict adherence to standard and temperament; keep the best to breed to the best. To learn more about us please visit our about us page.
Socialization from newborn to when they leave the Kaymann Collie home is key. Kaymann puppies go through several post natal events until they go home to ensure they are sound in mind as well as body. Some of what we do is from Puppy Culture, pages of DR Dunbar, and Kaymann Collies own experience combining the greats of the obedience and puppy rearing world.
We also enjoy photography if you are interested in having your dogs photographed please check out -or Photography page